Supranta S. Boruah

I am a Center for Particle Cosmology fellow at the University of Pennsylvania. I work on developing statistical and machine learning methods for cosmological analysis. I am interested in various aspects of large-scale structure cosmology. Currently, my main research focus is on developing field-level analysis methods for weak lensing data. I have also developed fast machine-learning based emulators for 3x2 pt analysis and have worked on extracting cosmological information from peculiar velocity data.
I am interested in various aspects of large-scale structure cosmology. I am interested in using novel statistical tools and better modelling of the large-scale structure to optimally extract cosmological information from it. You can find more about my research interests in the research page.
Previosly, I was a postdoc at the Arizona Cosmology Lab. I finished my PhD at the University of Waterloo under the supervision of Mike Hudson and Ghazal Geshnizjani. Before that, I completed my BS-MS dual degree at Indian Institute of Technology, Kanpur.